2016 was a tough year, I want to make my 2017 a Carrie Fisher
Despite all of the awful things that happened in 2016, I’m looking forward to 2017.
Last year was a crazy mix of lows and highs. On the shitty side, a host of my music heroes passed away, enough people voted for Brexit and Trump for them to win, shots were fired at the park where my kids play on the same day another unarmed young person was killed by the police, the arts community is being defunded and devalued in my old neighborhood, and many talented artists died in a fire in my new neighborhood. Not to mention Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Manus Island and global warming’s undeniable march forward.
On the personal (and positive) side, my family is healthy and we’ve settled into the Bay Area. Thanks to an awesome team and a great set of collaborators, my contribution to the reopening of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art was a success. This year I was interviewed by The New York Times, WIRED, NPR, Wall Street Journal and few others, took part in a week long intensive at the Tate, rekindled my love of VR, and attended some of the most interesting conferences I’ve ever experienced.
I don’t usually indulge in news year's resolutions, however I want 2017 to be a Carrie Fisher of a year — full of honesty, humor, art and awesomeness.
So, in the grand tradition of the ubiquitous “5 things that will make you more successful/a better writer/get that job/save the world” articles you read on Medium, here’s my 5 (achievable) goals for 2017:
5 Goals for 2017:
- Be physically and mentally present for my family
- Do fewer things, better
- Make more space and time for my creative practice, especially writing
- Support the people and communities who will be most effected by this America by changing the way I hire, commission, collaborate, and lead, as well as where I shop
- Speak the truth, and find the humor
In short, try to be a little more like Carrie Fisher.
Find more of my writing on keir.winesmith.co/writing.